An issue

So there is this guy named TOMSON. Now this person hasn’t really done anything wrong BUT he does sorta troll people likE this one time tomson told person “x” that he will trade 5 scrap for an apsap.So as soon as person x got 5 scrap tomson disconnected. There was another time where a new trader (not going to say his name) where he was saying he just want to trade and the fact he was new so what tomson did was tell him he would give him a whole load of stuff for free and this guy was soooooo happy but hos heart broke when tomson was like TROOOOOOOOOOOOOL and disconnected.

Anyway there is probably nothing you can do I mean he isnt doing anything wrong and i just wanted to speak about this guy really badly sooo yea


Responder of Applicant's Applications
So what I can get from your story is that he told someone he will trade 5 scrap for "As soon as possible". For what exactly? Nothing was being traded other than him telling someone to trade 5 scrap.

Also your broken english made this a bit hard to understand.

And true, he has done nothing wrong, he is just a general troll. mute him and block him if you do not like him.