Giveaway Key Giveaway


New member
Hello i wanted to host a Key giveaway enough said
Date and Time:
3:00 PM Monday August 19 / 3:00 PM Friday August 23
My time zone:
(UTC+02:00) Athens Bucharest
Meeting and Preparing Server IP and name: / >?< CTP.TF >?< | UK | TRADE PLAZA
Server IP and Name: / >?< CTP.TF >?< | UK | MGE
What you will have to do to win the Key:
There will be a Dueling Tournament (chat chooses the class) 5/10/20 kills = a win
The winner gets the key.
Side note:
If this kind of competition is not allowed to a giveaway tell me immediately
If you have any questions reply to this thread and ill try to answer as soon as possible!
First Winner: meatvball Time: 1 hour and 26 minutes
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