Resolved Report against ???

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User name: Yukiwoski

Reported Player(s): ???

Player SteamID(s):

Rules Broken: Micspamming, trolling, insulting, not playing the game, abusing map glitches

Evidence unknown.png

Additional Info: As you can see, on the attached file, he placed down teleporters, those teleporters basically made the trap impossible to pass through since you'd die instantly, besides that, I'd suggest any mod/admin to check the chatlogs or anything that has been recorded (such as the voice chat) for more evidence, his name ig are boxes because of the fonts he used in his name, also, I'd highly suggest anyone to check the calladmins that were used on him because literally the whole server was crying about him
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Lolz. Do not be an evil toxin. I just looked and commented on my punishment. But you are so hot xDDD
And yes. Do not overestimate the fact that I insulted others. Most mats were addressed to me. Better send demo and we'll see how I insulted others. xP
@Diane [♥]
It was a good attempt to scare me.
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